The first step is always the hardest

Well, what a learning opportunity it has been (and it might not be over yet).

I stumbled into the GameOff game jam at the beginning of November, and I thought I could find myself a team and deliver something ready within the deadline. Everyone on the discussion page was getting feedback, and I thought I could find somebody to work with: minutes, hour passed, and I got no reply to my post. Well, I thought, there is so much time, I can do this on my own. And in case things don't go as planned, I won't be letting anyone down.

I probably would not have insisted on this if I had not received the reply from Max during the night. He disappeared at a certain point, but not without setting up the github page (and suggesting me to update Unity. Great advice man). 

Anyway, as pretty much everyone else who has ever tried to make a game, I learned that there is no such thing as "plenty of time". No matter how simple you want to keep your game, you will always get to the last minute (or further) before calling it done. I had planned to build a few levels, re-using sprites and assets, but I ended up with an ugly, single level without a single bit of animation.

And speaking of ugliness, this marks the end of my effort of considering myself capable to take care of the entire artistic part of the project, especially if it is 2d. I borrowed some sprites which were meant to be placeholders (and of course were never replaced), and the few sprites I made on my own made me realize that even something apparently simple as pixel art requires some time and skills.

I ended up delivering this stump of a game in the last day of submissions, without even testing it outside Unity and missing on an annoying bug which prevented it from being run on browsers, plus several memory and optimization issues I had not seen before, but I did it. And I can consider myself one little step closer to my goal of developing games: I am pretty sure the road ahead is long and full of challenges, but I am going to take every single inch as a lesson. And let's be honest, I have already started off with some pretty crappy game, it will be fairly easy to do better from now on.

Thank you to anyone who will take the time to play it and give ANY kind of feedback.

Files 4.4 MB
Dec 06, 2018

Get HybridPlatformer

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